Friday 21 March 2014


In the Kishkinda Kand of Ramayana, Sage Valmiki describes a 'wormhole' which is located in a cave in the Vindhya range. Valmiki calls it the 'black cave'. The 'vanara commandos', including Hanuman and Angada, fall and traverse through this 'wormhole'. To read more about a what a wormhole means, click here. Skeptics must note that Albert Einstien considered the possibility of using wormholes as potential roadways for time and space travel. 

The verses of the Ramayana say that the 'vanaras' are attracted to a  certain 'black cave' when they see what Valmiki describes as 'swans' emerging from a cavity. The 'swans' are dripping with water, the 'vanaras' are hungry and thirsty and are looking for refuge since their hunt for the abducted Sita in the southern direction had not borne any fruit till then.

Approaching what they think is a cave, they fall through a dark tunnel, they see a number of 'lions' traversing at great speed through this dark tunnel. The speed of these flying 'lions' seemed to be unaffected by darkness in the 'cave' or 'tunnel' or 'wormhole'.

A present day depiction of a 'Wormhole'
that can transport one over long distances in a short time
by bending space.
When the 'vanaras' reach a spot where there is light, they see many golden and silver (metal) vehicles, which have seats embellished with jewels (in other words they are sleek). They also see - trees with flaming fire, elegant dwellings with nets of pearls, and finally a lady in a dark deer-skin attire (catsuit). The lady in the deer-skin suit introduces herself as 'Swayamprabha', in-charge of the dark yet golden tunnel, which she informs was designed by the celestial architect Maya for the 'Danavas'. Maya had since left the cave to pursue his passion for an 'apsara' by the name 'Hema'.

To cut a long story short, Swayamprabha allows the tired 'vanaras' to freshen up and feed themselves, and then on the request of Hanuman transports the bewildered 'vanaras' out of the cave. They are transported out of the cave in an instant, but not before she tells the 'vanaras' to cover their eyes - a requirement for this instant transportation system. Swayamprabha also tells Hanuman that there was no other way out of the cave but through her 'ascetic' powers.

The 'vanaras' including Hanuman and Angada find themselves out side of the cave but they are close to an ocean located south of the Vindyas. So where are the vanaras transported to? Valmiki does not clarify. But the description of the place that the 'vanaras' first see inside the cave or wormhole is very close to the description of the city of Lanka that Valmiki later writes about in the 'Sundarkand' section of Ramayana. So were the 'vanaras' intentionally transported to Lanka to give them an idea where Sita was taken by her abductor?

Later when they are transported out of the cave by Swayamprabha who also accompanies them, the 'vanaras' find themselves near an Ocean, but somehow a little later they are back at the Vindhyas. Valmiki writes that the 'vanaras' stay close to the cave for one full month where they devise their future course of action with the help of Sampati, a vulture, who had in the past flown in what can only be called 'combats' and 'aerial duals' along with his brother, the now dead, Jatayu. At the end of one month Hanuman finally decides that he is ready to enter the city of Lanka on his own. Incidentally, the description of Lanka that Hanuman relates and Valmiki writes in the Sundarkand section of Ramayana is mind-blowing.

Now, back to the 'wormhole' story. The question is do we have any idea where that wormhole of the ancient Vindyas was located.

The information that follows is from a single report from the Rajasthan Times of 2010. Not much has been heard about this story since then. It is said that a group of anthropologists, lead by archaeologist Mohammed Wasim Khan of the Archeological Environment Research and Tribal Welfare Society, working with hill tribes in Hoshangabad, earlier known as Narmadapura in Madhya Pradesh made a startling discovery. They found caves hidden in a deep jungle in Raisin. In one of the caves was found an amazing ancient painting.The painting shows a man or a woman in a catsuit, a UFO like flying object, and a cylindrical spring like shape. One can only wonder whether the painting depicts the scene from Ramayana which includes Swayamprabha in a cat suit, flying vehicles and a wormhole.
Indian Cave Painting of Aliens and UFOs
The ancient painting found in the 
Hoshangabad caves of Madhya Pradesh.
Is this a representation of lady 'Swayamprabha' 
of Valmiki Ramayana?
This ancient painting, personally seen by Mr. Wassim Khan, is authentic. So is the information about the wormhole in the Ramayana absolutely authentic. To go to the source of information refer to Valmiki Ramayana, Kishkindakand Section, Section 51 - 'The Legend of Black Cave'. Section 50 and 51. 

1 comment:

  1. Intriguing. Do share any further information that you might come across.
